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How to Increase Bambam’s Brand Reputation Indices:

4 indices that contribute to brand reputation:

Participation index
Media index
Communication index
Community index

Participation index

To increase this index we have to search Bambam’s index name (갓세븐 뱀뱀) on search platforms, such as Google, Naver, Daum, Nate, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.
important : you can’t just search his name and then close the page. Scroll down, and stay on the page for at least 30 seconds before leaving. Doing so will prevent you from looking like a bot.
It’s also so important to search Bambam's name + keywords for exemple:
갓세븐 뱀뱀 어비스컴퍼니 (got7 bambam + abyss company)

Make this a daily routine

Media index

To increase this index, we must click on articles about Bambam and engage with them by reacting and recommending them; more engagements will make the article trend higher and increase Bambam's exposure, thus increasing his brand reputation index
important : once again it is important to scroll down, react, recommend and share the article and stay on the page for at least 30 seconds before leaving.

Communication index

This index is about creating blog posts about Bambam on naver (and possibly other platforms)
Writing blogs could take a considerable amount of time, so a faster way is to just share other articles via Naver blog.
Don’t forget to like and leave comments on blog posts that mentions bambam

Community index

This index is about engagements on social media and Bambam’s index name appearance on both korean and international sites (pannchoa and theqoo are the most important korean sites).
For international fans, we should focus on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Liking, reposting, sharing posts with his index name. It is important to use
갓세븐 뱀뱀 #갓세븐 #뱀뱀 in every post.
Facebook is so important please write posts about bambam as much as you can and add his index name and hashtags. We recommend you to share Naver articles on Facebook with different captions for each post to avoid spamming.
Instagram is so important too, make sure to engage with the posts that have his hashtags on them

( Made with Carrd )